Episode 56: Laura Belgray
The podcast episode, hosted by Jessica Fowler on What Your Therapist is Reading, features a conversation with Laura Belgray, an award-winning copywriter, founder of Talking Shrimp, and author of Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You're the F’ing Worst. The discussion covers Laura’s unconventional journey to success, the themes in her book, and relatable personal stories.
Key Highlights:
-We discuss how Tough Titties explores Laura’s coming-of-age story and her winding path she took to find herself and her career through chapters that chronicle her life in NYC in a vulnerable, yet relatable way.
-Laura shares about a bully in 6th grade and lessons learned.
-Laura shares about having a father as a therapist and what that experience was like for her.
-Laura touches on different life experiences as she tried to find herself and her career and being okay with the choices she made.
-Laura shares how she wants this book to help readers feel less alone.